Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
i suggest that nstalling the two T800mAL SR Black fuses into a Sony XA-5400ES deck one should hear a better result with when when the SR (red) logo "arrow" is facing the front of the deck. Or in other words, the fuses should read like illustrated:


agreement with this direction is also documented here:

Happy Listening!

georgelofi, dear sir, you and I will perhaps never agree because in you mind set, a fact, is not a fact until human consciousness and agreement formally except an idea. In my mind, this can be pure madness and so would be arguing this subject as I am scientifically, admittedly, ill equipped.

The problem with this fundamental miss step though is we (and our science) is often wrong until it is right. Commonly the human condition can't see outside the small box it has constructed to feel comfortable. This is not to say, that that is all that exists. But it is our ignorance to believe in such limits. Just like with psychoacoustics or our terribly short audio memory, this mindset can be fooled. History is filled with pseudoscience proven wrong once an enlightened soul happens to observe and validate a phenomenon by looking at it in a way others have not. This is not voodoo, but many have been persecuted or worse for not thinking like the common excepted beliefs of a particular time, deemed as fact. I realize it is scary to question commonly held beliefs, some perhaps "seudo-facts".

Yet I'm too busy enjoying my life and the music to argue with you. If you chose to be more interested in stamping out counterintuitive thinking "your voodoo" on public audio threads, that is your choice. Though it is a burden many of us will simply have to bear. I would only suggest that you consider "science" with the knowledge of a old man but, with the wonder and possibility of a child. I contend you will not only be happier, but may well leave the opportunity to actually discover or advance something in our science.

In this case, I truly enjoy what Caelin Gabriel speaks of at the closing of this interview as I feel it is so spot on and I find it speaks well to this discussion.

Happy Listening, ah?!

Georgelofi 3-18-2016 7:18pm EDT
Unless these fuses are resistive, capacitive, or inductive in nature, then there are grounds for a technical discussion on them, and if they are any of these then they can only be detrimental to performance in the power supply chain.
It would be interesting if someone who has some of these fuses and also has a good quality digital multimeter would measure their resistances. "Good quality" includes the ability to resolve fractions of an ohm.

If anyone does this, for the result to be meaningful the reading that is obtained by touching the two probe tips directly together should be subtracted out, if it is not zero.

I’ve pondered the possibility that unusually high resistance might account for the differences that have been reported, compared to stock fuses. It seems unlikely for several reasons, including the consistently positive direction of the differences that have been reported, the directionality that has been reported, and the fact that the fuses would probably be getting warm or hot if their resistance was great enough to drop significant voltage.  But still, it would be interesting if someone could make those measurements, if only because it may rule out a possible contributor to the differences.

-- Al

Al wrote,

"I’ve pondered the possibility that unusually high resistance might account for the differences that have been reported, compared to stock fuses. It seems unlikely for several reasons, including the consistently positive direction of the differences that have been reported, the directionality that has been reported, and the fact that the fuses would probably be getting warm or hot if their resistance was great enough to drop significant voltage. But still, it would be interesting if someone could make those measurements, if only because it may rule out a possible contributor to the differences."

pretty sure we’ve covered this question you’re pondering before. See link below to some data on HiFi Tuning’s website for resistance of various fuses - several of their own, stock fuses and others - backwards, forwards, cryo’d, what have you. No sense torturing yourself pondering. ;-)

"I'm trying to think but nothing happens." ~ Curly


Geoff @ Machina Dynamica
Geoff, repeating what I said in my post in this thread dated 3-8-2016 4:18pm EDT:

Geoffkait 3-8-2016 4:01pm EDT
HiFi had a third party actually measure fuses’ performance - their fuses, competitor’s fuses, cryo’d fuses, standard fuses, backwards and forwards. And the data is there for all to see. Hel-looo!
Yup. And as you may recall I commented on those measurements extensively in various posts in the long-running "Fuses That Matter" thread. Most notably in my post dated 5-14-2012 11:24 a.m., wherein I summarized my technical comments by saying:
I applaud HiFi-Tuning for providing these measurements. However, IMO they provide the basis for a good case as to why fuse upgrades shouldn’t make a difference, or at least a difference that is necessarily for the better....

I don’t exclude the possibility that a fuse change can make a difference, but once again the explanations that are offered in support of the existence of those differences do not withstand quantitative scrutiny.

-- Al