Has anyone had experience with the B&W 800 MATRIX Speakers and what is your opinion on them . I will be buying a very nice used pair and mostly listen to classic rock. With that being said i will be in the market for a new or used solid state amp and pre amp. Possibly Krell KSA 250. Any thoughts would be welcome . 
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Krell is definitely not bright . Krell should negate "brightness" if heard from BW . I do not hear B&W as bright myself .
I found them on ebay a few days ago for $7000 and are in mint condition. My room size in 30 ft x 18 ft. And the speakers have to be about 6 ft. apart because of my sloped ceiling . Hard wood floors also. I saw your pics and the wiring looks so complicated i might need a professional .lol.. Also I am reading alot of good things from the Krell ksa 250 .Could that amp run these speakers ? Do i need mono blocks? I do want to go with a solid sate amp and pre amp as i do not want to deal with tubes.  What do u think ? I will be taking my time though i do not want to rush into anything . The main thing was to acquire these speakers. 
Also the speakers will be back a few inches from wall and we will be sitting at the far end of the room approx 25 ft away . 
I bought them but have to pick them up this week . Good thing they are only about 15 miles away from me in NJ . So i do not have to get them shipped. 
Also the owner said to get a moving company and have them moved in one piece instead of taking them apart.