So, you're not sure it's a the sensible thing to do, but, "I won't even ask the wife what her opinion is, as I already know it." I take it that means you doubt she would be in favor of it.Yeah I've learned not to ask. When it has to do with toys I pretty much go with the "buy it anyway and tell her later strategy". I'm not sure how good of a strategy it is for marriage, but it's pretty effective as I get to keep most things that show up.
Uh, oh. See the thread on Audio - Post Divorce... ;)
Actually the the budget doesn't have to be $1000, just a nice goal. I figured maybe a $700 pair of speakers (new/used) and a nice, used NAD/Parasound/Marantz/Emotiva/any audiophile grade CD player would compliment my old amp (Bryston B60). Actually I love some of stratehed's ideas with the wireless adapter, tubes, BJ cables.
I think this thread was a bit of a surprise and figured it would convince me to just sell the old amp and move on, but I'm pretty much feeling convinced otherwise, as in, I'm already researching other components. It's a black money hole as tgmitchell mentioned above, but at least I plan on this hole being considerably smaller.
Hey vicweast, I have a new Rogue too, it's the base hybrid model, Sphinx. I read so many positive reviews I decided to go for it. First piece of gear I didn't audition first. Tubes rolled with RCA NOS. I'm really enjoying it so far, non fatiguing too. I'm debating if my second system should be 100% tubes - but not starting any debates!
That Oppo headphone amp sure looks interesting t-bon3, but that's getting into a third system!