$16K new/used speaker question?

Opinions on options for full range, 8ohm, 90db or above speakers. So far I have heard and liked both Devore GibbonX, and Acoustic Zen Crescendo's and really like them both a lot.  I'm using an all BAT tube system with the VK-150se tube amps. Any thing else I should be listening to? I've heard the Wilsons sound great with BAT gear, but on paper they look like they would be really rough on my amps.
Not sure of difference between gibbon x and silverback reference but if you like devore might be worth checking on. 
Tom, speaking of Devores the Orangatans are excellent sounding.  Have you heard them?
If you haven't already set your mind consider a new pair of Nola KO/2's for drivers and Quad 2912's, if you're up for an electrostatic.  Great sound, especially with tubes, and you'll save a few bucks to boot.  

Good luck and enjoy the search.

Tom: You may want to look into Daedalus Audio. Lou has several designs at that price point which may float your boat sonically. The Daedalus sound would be at the opposite end of the spectrum from the Wilson's, which have always left me feeling unmoved. Lou's designs are all handcrafted (from real hardwood) heirloom pieces that are easy loads and very high efficiency. He has been on a steady mission of continual improvement and his latest creations are considered by many to be among the best out available, particularly in terms of tonal realism, seamless coherence and the ability to play well with a variety of electronics. Highly recommended.