Best Of Breed or Matching Components?

I see a lot of questions regarding best matches to components, particularly with amps and preamps.  It got me thinking about the different ways to go about building a system.  From an electronics perspective, do you feel that combining components from various manufacturers provides the best sound?  Or do you think that matching components from the same manufacturer provides more synergies? 

Incest is always better. Just kidding.
I would match power amp and speakers first, and after that who knows? As others said, one should not generalise. It also depends on how much you are prepared to experiment and change components looking for the best sound.
Integrated is another approach. I too would probably get VAC and wouldn't bother with separates under $10k used.

how do you like the MPS-5 CDP ?
what other cd / sacd spinners have you owned prior?
Interesting responses, thanks!  I know that "best sound" is very subjective, but so is the selection of components.

I just went from an older best-of-breed system which was great, to a single vendor stack with an integrated and am very happy so far.  The synergies were very evident from the start and have gotten better as I go through the break-in period.  That's really what prompted the question.

That doesn't mean I'd never go back to the best-of-breed route in the future though.... :)
Have found great results in putting together vintage gear and some newer pieces from different manufacturers. Speaker Cable, interconnects and power cables are generally of same brand, but have been connected to different pieces. Moderately priced gear and brings out enjoyable music.


Amplifiers: Rotel RB 1572 Class D, 2013, 250 Watts RMS 8ohms, Acurus A 250 Class A/B 1995 250 Watts RMS 8ohms.

Preamplifier: Superphon CD Maxx, Dual Mono Volume, with Seperate Power Supply, 1988, Restored designed (Stan Warren of PS Audio).

CDP: Sim Audio Moon 260D 2012.

Tape Deck: TEAC A-400, 1975 Restored.

Turntable: Dual 1264, 1978 restored in solid black walnut case and Plinth, AT 95E cartridge.

Phono Preamplifier: Rolls VP 29, Rolls HE 18 Buzz Off, 2013

Digital Clock: Monarchy Audio DIP, Digital Interface Processor, 2010

DAC: PS Audio Dlink III, 2012

Line conditioner for Turntable, Furman M-8x2, 2015

Power: PS Audio P10 Powerplant, AC3 power cables, outlets PS Audio power port classics a pair, 4 in total, 2014, 2 Shunyata Sankebites and one Venom 3 Power cables.

Speakers: A pair PA Monitor 70 Series II, a pair of PA Rtia7’s and Dual Subs PSW 505’s, 2011.

Left stack of components:
McIntosh MC452 Power Amp
McIntosh C50 Pre Amp
Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
Autonomic MMS-5A Media Server

Right stack of components:
PS Audio P10 Power Plant
PS Audio DirectStream DAC
PS Audio PerfectWave Transport