Do you like Mexican music??

I just scored this on Ebay.  Only two bucks plus shipping:

This replaces a  noisy copy I have. 

If you like soulful Mexican music with some really great guitar playing, pick one up for yourself. Great sound. Great music. Great singing. Great guitar playing. 

Happy listening. 

 "I like first(in the U.S.) generation Mexican musicians like Jerry Garcia and Carlos Santana.  Does that qualify?

Nope, The Dead don't dance. At least not to flamenco music. :-)

This lady does though:

I saw her perform this live at Universal City. An amazing concert backed by the best big band brought up from Mexico City.
I like some Mexican music and I like a lot of flamenco--but I don't connect the two.  Mariachi and flamenco are two different styles, two different traditions.
I like Calexico. Excellent indie rock band, check them out if you're not familiar.