Turntable isolation...

What do you use...?

As always, please let us know how this works out for you, in your system.

I hope you'll detail your system as much as I have in your upcoming response.

I've since ordered (2) more sets of (4) Super Stiff Springs to isolate my amp/rack...etc......

One thing I find out of the ordinary... among those who have responded... NONE have gone into any real detail, (as I tried to do), regarding their set-up!!. I thought that this was the whole idea of this post, and really, the whole idea of this forum. Why do others not go into more detailed specifics???????????????

Without this, we will not learn easily.
...even the OP did not give us all the details of his/her isolation system.

This should have been a "given" since he/she was the originator of this thread.

I get tired of others' seemingly taking advantage, without giving anything at all! Don't you?
Slaw - many of us post these details in our system listings so as not to have to repeat them every time, hope you had a chance to check these all out

I’m currently in the unenviable position of being between listening rooms. I boxed up everything when I left the desert for the woods (S. Washington state) last month, and am temporarily staying with my sister till I get a place here. I’ll be looking for a place with a room having good dimensions (as close to 1.0 x 1.6 x 2.6 as possible), and big enough for a few pair of planars.

I brought a bunch of CD’s with me, and a nice little Monitor Audio mini-system to listen to them on for now. I’m using the down time to get some new tubes and accessories, like Geoff’s springs. When I get my system set-up here I’ll have to take some pics and post them, though I have mixed feelings about doing so. I enjoy seeing pics of other’s systems, rooms, and music collections, but I’m not sure mine will be of much interest to anyone else! It's rather modest by Audiogon standards, though I do have a pretty nice music collection.