theta prometheus vs veritas monoblock

Has any body compare the sound of the Theta Prometheus monoblocks vs the Merrill Veritas monoblocks if any body has
will you please let me knows. Thanks in adavance.
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Curious to hear from anyone who has compared the Prometheus directly with Merrill's Veritas or with the Acoustic Imagery Atsahs....or with the Mola Mola Kaluga for that matter. Thanks.

Hi Mitch  I bough a pair of Veritas  monoblocks from Merrill audio and I can

honestly tell you that they have provide to me every thing that an audiophile ask for in term musicality  and enjoyment. I have try most of the  major brand

and none of them have been able to do what the Veritas has done for me, please call Merrill to check them out. Excellent product from one of the nice person that

I have ever met.Juan 

Hi Juan,
I owned the Acoustic Imagery Atsah amplifiers, which are virtually the same thing as Merrill's Veritas that you now own.
I was curious about the Prometheus because, unlike the Merrill or Acoustic Imagery amps, the Prometheus has a custom linear power supply by David Reich, and only uses the Hypex/NC1200 amplifier board.
Did you happen to hear the Prometheus amps when you were looking and, if so, how do you think they compare with Merrill's Veritas?