What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?

I'm closer to the 20,000 part, but if I get stretched i would like to know higher recommendations. Remember, this is on the used market - not retail. I'm even interested if you think I should make a huge jump (say to 50,000), but I want to know what justifies that jump. I'd like the best bang for the buck and even the worse bang for the buck. Are there speaker lines that are totally overlooked that sound wonderful in this price range that I need to be exposed to? I may go higher, but lets start there.

PS Let's just assume the upstream equipment is adequate to drive any recommended speaker. We are not limited by upstream components.
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I used to really like the Avalons. I noticed many of the dealers have dropped them (and the value has gone down tremendously).  One dealer told me that he had to drop them as the new owners won't advertise and he can't give them away.  It's really a shame as they had a few nice speakers, but like Thiel, they aren't what they build their reputation on.  

Since I just purchased and received my dream 20K+ speakers – Martin Logan’s Renaissance ESL 15A’s. Let me be one of the first ESL 15A's owners to say – these are one of the BEST sounding speakers in the market place today and should be very well received by consumers and the audio press.  They communicate the essence of the music within a three dimensional soundstage with the transparency that allows you to hear detail you have never heard before. The recreation of the “air” around the musicians and the height of the musicians within the soundstage brings the artist into the room.  The tonal balance is dead on and the integration of the bass is the best from Martin Logan. The only negative is the size of the bass cabinet – my wife is not happy.  The speakers dominate the room compared to my previous speakers, the ML Montis.  However she clearly hears the difference in the sound of the Renaissance compared to the Montis – her comment after listening to them was “the Renaissance’s make the music come alive”.    My quest ends with the Renaissance.

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I'd now go with Tannoy Westminster Royals and/or some vintage modded by Japsnese firm Kenrick, Altec/JBL...best, Rob
My problem with spending that much for speakers is that speakers that cost that much would likely require a room in a house that would 100 times what the speakers cost.  Give me Magneplanar Tympani 4s in a 900 square foot room with ceilings that are at least 14 feet high.