Thank you for that post - I would very much like to have your RA# to see what happened. It is NOT typical or usual. Soundsmith (unlike ALL other cartridge companies) values its customers and rebuilds all our own designs for 20% or LESS. Our designs can be rebuilt many, many times. They get priority - 2-6 weeks.
It may have been that your cartridge was placed in regular rotation for non-Soundsmith designs by one of my staff in receiving - by accident - which has happened on occasion. Even so - that seems along time, even for a non Soundsmith design, unless it had special issues. Please feel free to Email me the details - -
I will be more than glad to investigate.
Peter Ledermann / Soundsmith
It may have been that your cartridge was placed in regular rotation for non-Soundsmith designs by one of my staff in receiving - by accident - which has happened on occasion. Even so - that seems along time, even for a non Soundsmith design, unless it had special issues. Please feel free to Email me the details - -
I will be more than glad to investigate.
Peter Ledermann / Soundsmith