There were several reasons for the new platter...
- I had just sold my Goldmund Studio and admired the design of its platter, which is acrylic and lead. Although not the lead plug inserts it used. My design uses a lead disc insert.
- The SP platter audibly rings a little without a mat.
- Cosmetically the SP platter looked weird on my newly build triangular plinth.
- It was a fun challenge making a completely new one.
This was some 25 years ago and I cannot recall the performance differences between the two designs, but I did stay with the new assembly. I still have the original platter and it would be possible to try it again. Have heard the original perform exceptionally well with some of the more exotic mats available.
The magnetic teeth are there on the standard platter, so the electronic architecture is original. Check out the small diameter central ring on the underside, be careful you don't get bitten.