Best Equipment Stand

I have a rather large system sitting on a less than ideal audio rack.  I'm currently using a  Salamander Synergy series with five shelves (including the bottom) supporting the following components from top to bottom:

1) Michell Gyro SE (turnable);
2) Pass Labs X-Ono (phono pre-amp);
3) Michell power supply (really empty for all intents and purposes;
4) Pass Labs X-1 (pre-amp);
5) Oppo 105 (digital source); and
6) Magnum Dynlab MD-108 (tuner).

On the ground flanking the system I have Pass Labs XA100.8s, Magnepan (2) DWMs and 3.7i.  Everything is on hardwood floors.

The reason I say that it is less than ideal is that foot falls can set the Gyro moving and often cause skipping.  I'm looking for something far more stable (rigid?) than the Salamander.  

Other considerations to keep in mind, first, the floors aren't necessarily level, so being able to adjust the level is important.  Second, including everything in the rack would be nice but not necessarily important.  Third, I would prefer NOT to separate the turntable to another wall or room.  Fourth, cost is a consideration.  I've been scratching the upgrade itch for a while now and have made significant recent investments.  Dedicated outlets, upgraded amps, upgraded audience cabiling and of course lots of music.

With all of this in mind, do you have any recommendations for a better audio racks.  The ultimate goal is making the Gyro as happy as I can.



I've said it before and I'll say it again.  If you're looking around for an inexpensive and effective technique for isolating a component look no further than bungee cords.  You will of course have to find a suitable frame from which to suspend the component.  Then it's only a matter of matching the springiness of the bungee cords.  

My God Geoff, what a great idea! I guess the looser the "spring tension" of the bungee cord (the slower it bounces up and down when pressed upon), the better (a lower resonant frequency, obviously). By the way, what's your opinion on the "sandbox" platforms Barry Kohan at Bright Star used to make?
Bdp24 wrote,

"My God Geoff, what a great idea! I guess the looser the "spring tension" of the bungee cord (the slower it bounces up and down when pressed upon), the better (a lower resonant frequency, obviously). By the way, what’s your opinion on the "sandbox" platforms Barry Kohan at Bright Star used to make?"

I met Barry briefly at CES in ’97, we were sort of competitors, I was showing with Pierre in his Mapleshade room, I had my 0.5 Hz Nimbus stand back then. I used to have his sand filled box but his airspring stand was better. Since my Nimbus only used one airspring as opposed to three that other airspring devices used I got much lower resonant frequencies. Every time you add a spring or airspring you raise the Fr. For bungee cords with very heavy objects they have to be very stiff otherwise they will stretch out all the way to the floor. Same thing for steel compression springs, for heavy objects they have to be very stiff, otherwise they will over compress.