Personally, id get some used anthem n forget about it, likely! i see ZERO need to spend high dollars for any pre/pro these days, when you can get many hd Dolby /DTS Master equipped pre or receivers as pres for pennies, used! And most all of em can't compete with bypassing the processor fer 2 channel purity, direct to a dedicated 2 ch pre for music, anyway! But that's just me.-plus these things drop in value faster than grass grows!! So id consider...cause you will not see a big av sound difference in brand new pres vs 5 year old used units, i say
unless you need 4k pass-through, theres simply a hundred options for high performance movie sound and video switching on the cheap! but dont let me rain on ur parade. i just dont see it, personally
unless you need 4k pass-through, theres simply a hundred options for high performance movie sound and video switching on the cheap! but dont let me rain on ur parade. i just dont see it, personally