USB Disruptor Is the Real Deal

This very inexpensive addition to my MacMini server based audio system has had a profound and positive influence on the sound and my listening experience. Immediately noticeable effects: more tone, more body, more spatial effects and all were improvements in a good way. There is also more detail. I use a Peachtree Nova 125se and it's integrated DAC with expensive Von Schweikert speakers (a holdover from when I spent nutty money on gear). Since the Disruptor and cable together cost a little more than $100 with a guaranteed return policy, you have nothing to lose. I had tried the $50 Audioquest Jitterbug product and it made a barely perceptible change to my sound, worth the money but marginal effect. The disruptor and it's companion usb cable addition was like a substantial component upgrade. And no, I am not in any way affiliated with this company, just wanted to share with other like minded audio people.


I absolutely agree the USB Disruptor makes a nice improvement. Mine goes from a Lenovo PC to an Antelope DAC ( with it's own power supply ). So even with an expensive DAC + power supply the Disruptor improved the sound.

In my system the Regen gave more detail but less emotion, so it was returned. One Jitterbug makes a small improvement - much less than the Disruptor's positive effect. Two Jitterbugs was not better.

There are a lot of ways to improve the Computer based sound system. Try products that have a return option and have fun experimenting.

For further improvement, audition a Synergistic Research Black fuse in the DAC. You may just like what you hear. If not return it.

David Pritchard
The disrutor in my system did nothing. The Regen with outboard power supply is better

I have owned 2 Regens, many Jitterbugs, USB disrupter, Wyred Recovery, Intona and the Mutec 3+usb.

Once I heard the Intona, I sold the Regens that I had thought was the greatest even used them with a high quality Linear power supply.

The Disrupter can be purchased without the power supply. It was a surprise to me that the power supply was not needed. Easy way to test is to unplug the power supply if its still passes the signal the power supply is not needed.

The best for sound quality in my opinion is the Mutec 3+usb. Followed by the Intona.

The best bang for the buck might be the Disrupter.


Absolutely correct! The best bang for the buck is the USB Disruptor.

Maybe the best approach (for the money) to improving the USB-DAC sound is the combination of a USB Disruptor + a Synergistic Research Black fuse upgrade for the DAC.

I also have tried the Regen and Jitterbug with much less success than the combination of using a Disruptor and upgrading the DAC fuse.

Both products come with a friendly and honored money back policy.

Give them a try. I found it to be a fun experiment.

David Pritchard
Funny but I went the same route except put a "RED" fuse into my Peachtree....amazing result