HT cross over question

I am trying to integrate an analog 2 channel stereo plus a sub using a pass through pre amp and two channel amp with my Yamaha HT reciever.
Basically sharing the mains and sub between the two systems.

So... I am not using the LFE output of the AV receiver. I have the LR signal going pre out ... passing through the Audio Research pre amp and then output from the Audio Research as single ended L and R to the line level inputs of the sub... The sub x over is now at 60 Hz... then the sub output is High pass filtered at 80 Hz and going into the single ended inputs of the classe power amp.

I have the Priority of two channel over HT and so the sub's crossover set at 60 Hz and the volume complimenting my Kef 104.2 LR main speakers using the balanced side of my system.. set by ear ... and may be changed over time.

My question is... what should I set the AV cross over?

I have set all of the speakers to SMALL and the AV receiver is set to mix all low frequency info and output to the LR mains (no sub woofer defined for the AV receiver). Currently the AV receiver x over is set to 80 Hz.

My understanding is that multichannel low frequency info including the LFE stuff is digitally filtered at 80 hz in all channels and then all of this info is combined and output full signal to the LR mains and thus sent to my sub. Where the Subs analog filter is sending the 60 hz an lower info to the sub and the 80 hz and above info is output to the LR main speakers.

It would appear that I have created a hole between 60 and 80 HZ...

What should I do to start... raise the sub xover to 80 when I switch between systems?

What should I listen to to optimize these filter settings?

Do I have to break down and get an spl meter?

If I use the balanced side of the system... the AV reciever is sending the full range plus lFE info out through LR which is then ampliied and sent to the mains.. while the sub sees that signal and filters at the cross over (currently set at 60 Hz) Seems like I wind up with too much bass summing here and the Kefs are trying to reproduce all of the boom boom of a theatre track as well.

I am confusing myself! Is there an OK solution?
Well just remember, you're not really using 200 watts of current at the box, since you're really only "taking a signal" off the wires at the sub!..not powering the sub with speaker wire connections. So, I don't believe you're actually drawing current there.
And I would 100% state that using speaker level subwofer connections is 100% better for simply bass signals to the sub, than it is using speaker level connections through the subwoofers internal highpass crossover, and out to the satalite speakers, driven that way!!!! Same can be said for line level connections to the sub, filtering out to the sats, as well.
Just never heard one setup where the sound from the mains was anything special going through the likely cheap crossover parts thrown into a powered subwoofer, as an "after thought". Wouldn't do it..
I like my earlier suggestions, yes.
Hope it works out for you
yes, typically, if your using two crossovers in a subwoofer's path, usually, you turn the later all the way up and out of the way. The one in front gets set to the 80hz. So, connected to the AV pre, you set the pre to 80hz, and sub to 200hz, and so forth. With parallel speaker level connection, however, id run full range from analog pre amp and then set sub cross at wherever main speakers naturally roll off, usually...otherwise, set to 80hz if filtering mid/highs as you first suggested you connected things.
Main thing is really not to set two crossovers in the same path at same location!! Weird phase issues can happen. That's the main issue. So one you will need to set high, and the other about where you want it set, in this case, the discussed 80hz location, and you shouldn't run into any problems associated with two crossovers in front of one another.
Does it make any difference if I switch the low level line inputs..... eg HT Amp LFE output with the Preamp out .... going into a switch and the selected output going to the sub LR line level iputs. there some advantage to using the speaker level inputs.

(I can't think of a reason)
Sorry im confused. Do you mean Line level swich being fed both from the AV pre's LFE out put and also from a pair of line level out's of a 2 channel pre into the sub (switcher switching between the two differnt sources - or preamp/processors?), or do you mean other?
Of course, you could play with all of the above, and see what works, but I mean simply a speaker level switcher for simply taking the parallel speaker level connection out of the way when you're doing AV pre/pro in the system for movies, so that the sub isn't seeing both the line level and the speaker level to the sub at same time!
Are we on same page, or am I not understanding the question? a