Best Of Breed or Matching Components?

I see a lot of questions regarding best matches to components, particularly with amps and preamps.  It got me thinking about the different ways to go about building a system.  From an electronics perspective, do you feel that combining components from various manufacturers provides the best sound?  Or do you think that matching components from the same manufacturer provides more synergies? 

"Left stack of components:
McIntosh MC452 Power Amp
McIntosh C50 Pre Amp
Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
Autonomic MMS-5A Media Server

Right stack of components:
PS Audio P10 Power Plant
PS Audio DirectStream DAC
PS Audio PerfectWave Transport"


How would you describe the music from your setup? Was considering the Mcintosh C2500 and PS Audio Direct Stream DAC? 


Sorry it took so long to respond, busy, busy, busy.

I really like the sound of my system, don’t have the "hots" to make any more changes in the near future.

When I play stuff for most people they remark how "clear" it sounds. Having said that, I can listen for hours and don’t get fatigued. I was somewhat concerned about the tweeters in my Focal Sopra No2’s, but the McIntosh electronics are so smooth, no harshness to interrupt the music. One of my audio buddies characterized the sound as "tube like", which in his mind, was a complement.
Thanks for letting me know ejr1953. Your system sounds like you have it where you want, Enjoyable. I have just started to look at Tube Gear. Starting small only with output stages for the Turntable using a Pro-ject Tube Box DS and replacing the Rolls. I am hearing that it will take maybe 100 hours or so for a break in, but to enjoy.