Hi gdnrbob,
There are too many phase relationships which a manufacturer can't predict: from your speaker's crossovers (and speaker wire connection) to the number of gain stages in your amplification chain - even # or odd # (phase non-inverted vs. phase inverted).
People hear what they hear for all sorts of reasons that are out of the manufacturer's control.
If this concerns you enough, then you should experiment. If it doesn't you're one of the fortunate ones who enjoys listening to music playing through your hi-fi :-)
Thom @ Galibier Design
IF fuses are directional, AND manufacturers know this,
Then, Why can't they tell us which way to orient the fuse for most musical reproduction? As I said earlier, Pat as SMc, said to try them one way and reverse them later and see what sounded better. To my feeble mind, if these things are directional, then you must know which way is best without needing to switch things around.
There are too many phase relationships which a manufacturer can't predict: from your speaker's crossovers (and speaker wire connection) to the number of gain stages in your amplification chain - even # or odd # (phase non-inverted vs. phase inverted).
People hear what they hear for all sorts of reasons that are out of the manufacturer's control.
If this concerns you enough, then you should experiment. If it doesn't you're one of the fortunate ones who enjoys listening to music playing through your hi-fi :-)
Thom @ Galibier Design