Some tips for those who should understand, even if you didn’t know.
Quartz control is great but, isn’t the only technology, as it all came from good roots of this planet. There’s so much more to know. dumbing-down of this country’s too young to know audio history on this site could be very damning to us all!
Don’t forget, we put a man on the moon in 1969, almost 50 years ago.
Where were you at that moment in summer of July 1969?
I had already built my first ’PAS-3X’ "Dynakit" pre-amp 2 years before that moment.
Please don’t over-look that quartz/sand is a mineral born from the earth and when hit with a tiny voltage, it vibrates, perhaps more than your girl is using to compensate for your lack of understanding of things?
P.S. Please don't get me wrong here, I still use early/vintage Technics, pre-quartz.
The original SP-10 uses for all intents the same motor the SL-120Mk1 does!
The whole line was servo-controlled, consequently, yes quartz controlled is better, however generally, the whole line stayed the same, except for the quart control circuitry.