Thom, no harm, no foul. These guys beat you to the punch in this thread. The shielding argument is probably the leading argument used by skeptics of wire directionality. Followed closely by oxidation on contacts removed during test, placebo effect, expectation bias and a change in house AC voltage.
Atmasphere: "There can be reasons why a cable has directionality (mostly having to do with how the shield is constructed; this has nothing to do with fuses)."
Mapman: "Right my understanding is the reason the Monster wires are directional as indicated is because of the shield implementation. That’s pretty much the only reason that I have read of. My MIT wires have no indicators and I can’t say if it matters or not there. Fuses are a different story. Most high end audio fuse makers seem to leave a lot to the end listener’s imagination."
Georgelofi: "Yes you are correct some interconnects can be directional, ones that have +&- conductors with a shield, that’s only connected at one end, that end should be at poweramp.
But fuses are not shielded. And I still ask you or anyone else to post any manufacturers ad/doc that SAYS they are directional. "It’s all VOODOO" that you are promoting."
Geoff Kait
machina dynamica