New Technics 1200

Now that the new  hyperexpeniveTechnics 1200 G   will be coming  out in several months,($4000?], I'm wondering what Audiogoners think would be the  next best thing [other than buying a used 1200 MkII] as far as the closest equivalency in quality and performance in currently production turntables? Examples are the Pioneer PL1000X, the Stanton :150, and the Audiotechnica 1240, among others?
Actually, I seem to remember reading that the first run is considered a "special" run and limited. After this there is suppose to be a standard run and will sell for much less.  
No, they are going to be the same price.

Mofimadness is correct.  The pricing has been well known now for a couple of months.

And the Technics rep at AXPONA just this past weekend confirmed the same.  So if anyone want this TT, makes sense to get one of the 1200 GAE limited edition as the production G model will cost the same.

Unless of course market reaction forces Technics to change its pricing strategy.  Time will tell.

If you do Mitch, please give us a thorough review.  And remember, if you get one of the next 900, you will be getting the 50th anniversary edition (SL-1200GAE)  that will be a cut above the later edition (SL-1200G).