Subwoofer to mate with Casta model C's.......

I have Casta Acoustic model C's with a 15" woofer, 17" custom horn midrange and 2" custom horn tweeter in each floorstanding speaker. The speakers are a sealed cabinet and are very efficient. My room now is 13 x 19 x 8 but soon will be 20 x 24 x 8 after renovations. I had previously owned an SVS PB13 ultra before purchasing the Castas but sold it knowing I wanted two in the larger room. The svs was a phenomenal performer. Can anyone give any recommendations on one or two subwoofers adequate to mate with the Castas and given room sizes. Budget is not an issue. THX in advance......
@Bob_reynolds, what do you think of the new Goldenear Supersub XXL? To me it looks like a great contender at $1999US. It would match the Castas well in the piano black but not available till late this year.
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I've had a SVS PB13Ultra in piano black recently(sold) and I found with movies it hit the bottom octaves very well but music just couldn't keep up with my other Casta model D8's(2x8"woofers in each). I now have the model C's(15" woofers in each) which definitely hit down to 30ish but I still want the lower end. When I mentioned speed/acuracy of woofer relates to timing of the driver. The Castas are very tight and acurate to 30hz giving the sealed cabinet and custom made horns and drivers. I don't believe any sub can be as acurate as a floorstanding driver in its same driver size. But that's just my opinion from experiences. Since these Casta model C's(28,000) I've got dynamics, speed, acuracy, dimensiality and soundstage I've never reached before. The Svs SB13 ultra looks like a fantastic sub too but I would need to run two of them. I will specify on going sealed as I ran the pb13 ultra in sealed mode.

The Seaton Submersive F2 HP is also sealed with 2x15" drivers. And supposedly reaches 5hz. Two would be crazy and they aren't cheap - $2800 each. I could get two Svs SB13 ultra for $3000 shipped. I may contact someone at Danley to see what they think of my set-up.
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I just know the subwoofer wasn't accurate. The timing wasn't the same from what I heard with the Casta's. I have good equipment running in my system and I know what it wasn't.