System synergy or mix and match

I've put together and interesting system....Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M Stand mounts parred with two REL G-2 subs, Mac 601 monoblocks and Mac C50 pre, Modwright Oppo 105 and Lumin A-1 Streamer with Kenneth Lau PS, all Audience AU24 power chords and high end AQ interconnects and speaker cables.   Thinking of changing to tube line stage and was curious on thoughts out there of sticking with Mac or perhaps trying a different brand.  Seems to be a ton of nice choices out there but I'm also aware of same brand synergy...any input?

Kind of my expectations....which brand did you mate with the McIntosh? I've been pleasantly surprised at the great selection available!
I've always had a Mac tube piece in there somewhere. Just makes the music nicer to listen to. 

I'm using a mint MFA Magus B preamp. Right now, I'm using it with a Classe DR-15 amp into Sonus Faber Electa Amators.


BTW, my source piece is a stock Oppo 105D. Our systems are similar.