Dual Differential / Balanced?

Hey all I’ve got that itch to upgrade power amps, and was wondering how valid the dual differential aka "balanced" monoblock or dual mono design is in terms of increasing fidelity compared to a conventional SE amp. note my preamp is also fully balanced

how much noise is avoided by using a fully balanced system?

right now I use 2 haflers horizontally biamping NHT 3.3. using mogami gold XLR
p4000 200wpc mids/highs p7000 350wpc lows

from what I’ve read it only matters if both the preamp and power amp are both truly balanced

I have a nice Integra Research RDC 7.1 fully balanced pre/pro, it was a collab with BAT, I would go for the matching RDA "BAT" amp but its pretty much unobtanium

So far I’ve looked at classe ca200/201, older threshholds, older ksa krell, as fully balanced monoblocks/ dual mono stereo

I was also told to look at ATI amps, they look very impressive but expensive

I’m looking to spend 1500-2500 preferably used products, I dont have an issue with SE amps I just want to exploit the fact my pre is fully balanced, and perhaps get better sound. If anyone has recommendations for awesome dual differential power amps. the NHT 3.3 are power hungry so at least 150wpc, class A/AB

I’ve also come across the emotiva XPA-1 monoblock, I can get a good deal on one of them I wonder if its worth picking this up and praying for a lone one to come on classifieds on ebay- note this is the older model in the silver chassis 500wpc 8ohm / 1000 4ohm

for context prior to the realization that I should use a fully balanced system I was looking at brystons and mccormack amps.. thanks
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kijanki"I can't see how fully balanced system can help with noise reduction."

The reason is common mode rejection of noise, and it's the main reason that balanced operation is standard in professional audio applications.

The OP seems to be confusing electronics that are monoblocks or have balanced inputs and outputs with electronics that are "fully balanced." These are not interchangeable terms. "Fully balanced" usually refers to differential amplifiers. There are a lot of electronics that have balanced inputs and outputs, but that operate internally in single-ended mode. I'm pretty sure that the  Integra Research RDC 7.1 is not "fully balanced."

Cleeds, yes, balanced operation is used in professional audio in form of balanced cables, balanced inputs etc. I’m all for it. I just don’t see how fully balanced amp can have better noise rejection than plain amp with balanced input. Instrumentation amps, like one used in my Rowland amp have 90dB noise rejection at 60Hz. That would imply gain matching of two independent amps to 0.003% to achive the same result. I also don’t see how removal of even harmonics only can help. Since outputs have no ground reference (current doesn’t flow thru ground) feedback might cause instability. That requires additional third feedback for common mode.

Again, I don’t see how this scheme can help with noise. In addition even connection with XLR cable is not always the best. If you don’t have a lot of noise you might be better of with plain single ended RCA since additional circuitry to make balanced output affects sound.
kijanki04-22-2016 11:15am " ... yes, balanced operation is used in professional audio in form of balanced cables, balanced inputs etc. I’m all for it. I just don’t see how fully balanced amp can have better noise rejection than plain amp with balanced input. "

A single-ended amplifier with a balanced input and/or output is still a single-ended amplifier and does not offer all the advantages of a differential amplifier, which provides common mode rejection.

" ... Since outputs have no ground reference (current doesn’t flow thru ground) feedback might cause instability. "

That's a red herring. I've never seen instability problems with differential amplifiers.

A single-ended amplifier with a balanced input and/or output is still a single-ended amplifier and does not offer all the advantages of a differential amplifier, which provides common mode rejection. 
This is not true, IMHO.  Single ended amplifier with balanced inputs can provide huge common mode rejection, better in my opinion than fully balanced amp.  Fully balanced amp cancels (at the speakers) common mode input noise, only if gains of both half-amps are identical.  Gains can be matched with discrete components only up to certain point.  Fully balanced amps have some advantages like no output ground current, cancellation of even harmonic, doubled slew rate etc.  but have also many disadvantages.  One of them is the fact that signal goes true many more stages (bad for clarity), output impedance is doubled while the cost (and complexity) is much higher.