What is the best Amp/pre Amp for B&W 803 diamonds

Hello Agon Mates !

Im very newbie here and trying to start of my journey of sound and music. i recently picked up a pair of B&W 803 Diamonds . I have a budget of 5K to get my pre amp and amp setup done. Want to make sure i power the speakers correctly and get the best sound from them. Need you advice on how to go about selecting. i heard the rotel and mchintosh in the bestbuy stores. Loved the Mcintosh . I have never heard the classe but rave review about them .. im confused.. need you help ..
There are many brands that would drive your B&W's to perfection. McIntosh certainly makes some fine equipment (although I am more a fan of there amplifiers only). There are many names to consider... Ayre Acoustics is first on my list,Conrad Johnson, Modwright, Manley labs, Audio Research. These companies make great sounding equipment. There are a number of integrated amplifiers that you could consider from these companys as well. Last I checked Classe was making super expensive high power equipment ( top notch stuff ). hope this helps a little.
Your speakers are very revealing. You need to listen to whatever you are considering before you buy. Have you tried anything yet.
I listened to rotel under powered 200w and Mcintosh 600 mono blocks as that was the setup available at magnolia. I think i was comparing apple and oranges. I like the mids from mcintosh. Since it my first time buying amp and I live in Nj not many dealers have these amp wired to 803 D . how to i audition them any ideas and please advice