Bi-polar (or Omni-polar), gimmick or real deal?

I've read about these speakers and don't have the current ability to travel for auditioning; so, any opinions on whether these are worth pursuing?

   I left a response about my omnis (Ohms) on your other post about buying without audition.  I really love my Ohms.  They give you a room filling soundscape that's hard to beat when set up properly.

My advice is for you to read the Ohm threads (Micro Talls, who's heard them?) and any other threads you can find on omnis.  Most of the posts on these are overwhelmingly positive.  I bought my Ohms unheard, and it turned out to be the best chance I ever took.
IIRC, Ohm (omni) has a no cost in-home trial period as does Magnepan (dipole) for those models they sell direct.   You could order both.   Taste in dispersion patterns is personal, so this might be a good way to go, if you're willing to re-pack and ship the one (or both) you don't like.