People ask me if the ZEROs obliterate the OTL-ness of our amps and IMO they do not- this is because the ZERO is a problem solver- that problem being that the amp is being asked to drive a lower impedance with which its not particularly comfortable. The result will be more impact, lower distortion and more power. If the ZERO is being used with a speaker that the amp already likes then there is no point IMO/IME. You use it when you want to drive a lower impedance.
FWIW, Paul Speltz has comments from manufacturers of solid state amps essentially telling him that their amps sound better through the ZEROs driving a 4 ohm load rather than driving direct- even though their amps have no trouble doubling power into 4 ohms. This is likely because all amps, tube, solid state or class D, have lower distortion when driving higher impedances.
We have a good number of customers running our M-60s with Magnaplanars. The ZEROs make that happen with good success.