To create a difference in sound is quite easy, but to create an improvement is something totally different and also a lot more difficult.
That is why I work and think by Tru-Fi. Because these are 8 different parts you judge sound for. Each part of a set I can judge by Tru-Fi when I am aware of the properties it owns. ( d.n.a.) These parts has nothing to do with personal taste but with facts who are noticeable by hearing.
This makes audio so much more easy tot understand and use. This is the main reason why I test so much ( for me it does not cost energy at all. To be honest I think I am even addicted)
I share my testresults all the time with my clients. Because I can improve sound over and over again. In each year I create many new options to improve sound.
Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again but expecting a different result.
It is a repeating way for me as well to create a better endresult. Always using the same parametres.
I have proven to many people that it creates a superior endresult in sound compared to the ’old fashion way’ of creating an audio set.
That is why I work and think by Tru-Fi. Because these are 8 different parts you judge sound for. Each part of a set I can judge by Tru-Fi when I am aware of the properties it owns. ( d.n.a.) These parts has nothing to do with personal taste but with facts who are noticeable by hearing.
This makes audio so much more easy tot understand and use. This is the main reason why I test so much ( for me it does not cost energy at all. To be honest I think I am even addicted)
I share my testresults all the time with my clients. Because I can improve sound over and over again. In each year I create many new options to improve sound.
Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again but expecting a different result.
It is a repeating way for me as well to create a better endresult. Always using the same parametres.
I have proven to many people that it creates a superior endresult in sound compared to the ’old fashion way’ of creating an audio set.