Determining current flow to install "audiophile" fuses.

There are 4 fuses in my Odyssey Stratos amp. I recently returned some AMR fuses because they rolled off the highs and lows a little too much for me. Mids were excellent though. Anyway, I'm getting ready to try the Hi-Fi Tuning Classic Gold fuses, as they are on clearance now for $10/ea. Are they any good? However, I have read that they are a directional fuse? Can anyone confirm this? If that is the case, does anyone know the current flow for the Odyssey Stratos? Or, does anyone know how figure out current flow by opening up the top and looking at the circuitry? 

To create a difference in sound is quite easy, but to create an improvement is something totally different and also a lot more difficult.

That is why I work and think by Tru-Fi. Because these are 8 different parts you judge sound for. Each part of a set I can judge by Tru-Fi when I am aware of the properties it owns. ( d.n.a.) These parts has nothing to do with personal taste but with facts who are noticeable by hearing.

This makes audio so much more easy tot understand and use. This is the main reason why I test so much ( for me it does not cost energy at all. To be honest I think I am even addicted)

I share my testresults all the time with my clients. Because I can improve sound over and over again. In each year I create many new options to improve sound.

Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again but expecting a different result.

It is a repeating way for me as well to create a better endresult. Always using the same parametres.

I have proven to many people that it creates a superior endresult in sound compared to the ’old fashion way’ of creating an audio set.

Geoffkait wrote "PS for Atmasphere: time to catch up to the 21st century. A lot has happened in those 27 years. We have quantum chips and everything! ;-)"

to which Atmasphere responded,

"Yes, the quantum chips are a hoax."

That you would say that, in light of my Super Intelligent Chip and the WA Quantum Chip, neither of which is a hoax, my superstitious friend, sort of reinforces my statement that it’s time to play catch up. I can certainly appreciate that everyone has his own thing and that audiophiles and manufacturers tend to get blinders on for other things that are happening, you know like advanced fuses and quantum chips. That focusing on business at hand and ignoring others things is what I like to call Stove Piping. And perhaps it’s time to allow some of quantum mechanics into your thinking. It’s only been what, like a hundred years since quantum mechanics came out?

geoff kait
machina dynamica
we do artificial atoms right

In 2015 we also did a lot of research in smog. This was even for me totally new. I never did any research in this area.

Now in 2016 I can say mannnn smog really F. up the sound and quality of each audio system.

I was very sceptical about this to be honest. Ronald Kemp send me different times stuff to test. But for a long time I never was interested to test it.

The same regarding the fuses I was wrong, you can easilly improve the sound.

I have done many tests and now I know exactly were and how to use it. This I keep for myself. Test it yourself.....

This is a lot more difficult to use than fuses. Because it is very easy to create a lower endresult in sound when you use it wrong.

Because compared to how old the electricity equipment is in your house and what they use makes it a lot different in result. There are electric groups which will not work with these stickers

There are many amps, sources, conditiones and places were you cannot use them.

I take it with me to clients and I compare and test to see were it works and needs to be placed.

The Maxiimus is by far the best tool I ever tested to improve sound based on electricity.

Shootouts I did with clients made people go crazy. Some people said; it is f. with my brian. Most people heard how big the differences were. And it is difficult to go back without it.