Determining current flow to install "audiophile" fuses.

There are 4 fuses in my Odyssey Stratos amp. I recently returned some AMR fuses because they rolled off the highs and lows a little too much for me. Mids were excellent though. Anyway, I'm getting ready to try the Hi-Fi Tuning Classic Gold fuses, as they are on clearance now for $10/ea. Are they any good? However, I have read that they are a directional fuse? Can anyone confirm this? If that is the case, does anyone know the current flow for the Odyssey Stratos? Or, does anyone know how figure out current flow by opening up the top and looking at the circuitry? 

 georgelofi sez:

"i hate to judge before all the facts are in ...."

Really George? You seem to have no problem judging SR Black fuses without listening to them. And  you seem to have no problem judging your fellow audiophiles and putting them into a negative light by suggesting that something nefarious is going on and that shilling is taking place either.  

At what point in time will you put your prejudices aside and order some fuses to try for yourself?  30 day return policy, remember? 

Until you take the leap and try the fuses for yourself, your credibility is shot ... null and void ... Nada ... Bull. 

Over and out ... 
Post removed 

And you will have absolutely no credibility papa, if you keep promoting that there’s a undeniable difference in sound quality with directionality of fuses here on this thread.

I suggest you go back to the other SR thread you started where your credibility is only half shot, instead of aligning yourself to the full blown voodoo wackos here.

Cheers George

I recently removed my power amp fuse (cleaned the contact area) and when I put it back I forgot which direction it had been in, thus ruining my shot at trying to hear a difference…I will not remove it again soon as I don't like to move my 50 lb tube amp around…I just have to sit there and listen and wonder…are the electrons moving properly? Is the recent rabid promotion of SR fuses reasonable and/or logical? They are simply neither and play like they're commercially funded. 30 day refund or not, the heavy handed hype is simply too damn off-putting to get on board…illogical magical hifi tweaks come and go, and most seem like a sadly lame waste of time and (some people's) money.


I recently removed my power amp fuse (cleaned the contact area) and when I put it back I forgot which direction it had been in, thus ruining my shot at trying to hear a difference…I will not remove it again soon as I don’t like to move my 50 lb tube amp around…I just have to sit there and listen and wonder…are the electrons moving properly?

Doesn’t matter Wolf, as the flow changes direction 60 x a second in the USA (60hz). And 50 x times a second here in Australia (50hz).

That’s why it’s called AC (alternating current) this is why "fuse direction" is all a load of voodoo BS.

Cheers George