4 Velodyne HGS-15's or 2 Velodyne HGS-18's?

Given this choice, which route, and why, would you go?
Building a theater and will either go with a pair of HGS-18s on either side of the center, and on the insides of the outter speakers, OR 4 HGS-15s. They would be placed in the same position, but 2 HGS-15s would be stacked on each other!


For what it is worth, a single 15 would probably be sufficient for the room, but isn't 75% of what we buy overkill anyway?

Thanks for the insight.
Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
I use a pair of HGS 18's and that's what I would suggest. The HGS 18 sounds (and tests) better than any sub I know of and I've heard and tried most of whats out there. The stacked 15's might be about as good, but would not be any better.
Good luck,
Good way to rid the house of rodents and cockroaches. I have a Mirage with (2) 12 inch drivers that shakes my house, but hey, I get more if I could. Overkill is the way to go. I'd get the 2 HGS-18's. Is 4 HGS-18's an option?
Curt -

I used to have a pair of HGS-18s and loved them. Went to a pair of Aerial SW-12, but heading back to Velodyne! The 18s are great, was just curious about the 4 15's.

Jmcgrogan2 -

Funny enough, 4 HGS-8 is an option! Ridiculous, but an option!!

I'm using 3 HGS-18s across the front of my main theatre. I tried the 15s as well. I highly recommend the 18s over the 15s for a more literally 'stunning' result. Was using M&K 5000s and 350s. The 350s are on the sides and rear channels now and the 5000s are in the master bedroom system. Room tuning/treatment became more critical with the larger driver Velodynes than the M&K dual 12" design.