EAR Acute Classic - has anyone heard or tried it

EAR just released a new cd/dac single unit: the EAR Acute Classic  http://www.earyoshino.com/Acute-CD-Player/

Has anyone heard it or tried it?  I previously had the EAR Acute 3 but sold it a few months ago.  I really loved it but thought the DAC portion could have been better, but it was a little dated (came out about 5 years ago).  I'm really interested in this unit and would appreciate if anyone can offer any feedback on it.  I don't have a local dealer near me so am reaching out to others who may have more experience with it.
As long as we're all guessing here, I would say that if you weren't satisfied with the Acute 3, I would pass on this as well if you can't audition.  Given the price point, I would be very surprised if this were a significant improvement over the 3.  
I would say that if you weren't satisfied with the Acute 3
Charyo,  I stated that I loved the sound of the Acute 3, but only felt the DAC is a little dated.  Not sure I understand what you can gather from a price point - why couldn't a newer model 5 years later be a significant improvement?  Technology has changed drastically in the past few years.
How has DAC technology changed "drastically" over the past few years?  It looks pretty much the same to me.  
Manufacturers now using their own algorithms, DAC chips have significantly improved, circuitry advancements…..  So many factors contribute to a sonic difference (though it may look the same).  Doesn't necessarily make it better, but they are different.  Many companies are entering the DAC market as well, increasing competition and getting more performance for less money.  DSD, HDI, USB interfacing, file compatibility, etc.  
I believe that I read where the new "4" iteration adds SACD capability?
Happy Listening!