Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
I’m partial because I now sell them but the BHK 300 monoblocks (ps audio) are the culmination of Bascom kings life experience. I’m hearing things I never thought possible and can’t imagine an amp controlling a speaker better. I think they will eventually earn their place among the top performers and are reasonably priced as well. They have the TAD’s truly singing as I’ve never heard them before and I've yet to start with  tube rolling and power conditioning.  
I had one, one that I purchased about 1979. It was a Yamaha CA-600. To me it was a keeper for life. Then, sad to say, it died on me.
A lot of great amps listed here. I have ended up with some that work for me with various speakers, each needing a certain kind of amp. A Bedini 25/25 for old Quads (though I’m looking to get a Music Reference RM-10), PS Audio 200C and Electron Kinetics Eagle 2A for bi-amping Magneplanar Tympani T-IV’s, either of them for ESS TranStatic I’s, and a Music Reference RM-200 Mk.2 for Eminent Technology LFT-8b’s (panels only, bass handled by a pair of GR Research OB/Dipole subs in place of the stock ET woofers). I hope to find an RM-9SE at a time when I also have the money to pay for it! I also have a pair of ET LFT-4’s I have yet to hook up, and have no idea what they need. Hopefully the RM200 will do.
Hi John, my Atma monos never burnt and through several upgrades I HAVE STUCK WITH THEM FOR ALMOST 20 YEARS NOW. Those are for life, while everything else in my set up has changed.
The Atma-sphere may sound fine and all,but I've known atleast two different  sets which have started on fire.They must sound well though the crazy bastards had Ralph fixem and just bought a fire extinguisher.
This is an out and out lie. I'm sure we would know about this if it had really happened!