Shangling CD-T100 CD Player in need of repair

I have a Shangling CD-T100 that can use some service. It has at random a ticking sound something like a scratch on a record and sometimes it seems like a fraction of a word is cut off, something like skip. I am talking like only one letter of a word. This does not happen often but when it does it takes away from my enjoyment of the music. I live in the San Fernando Valley in California and looking for someone to check this out so I do not have to send it across the country. If I have to ship it I will but hate to have this bounced around.

Thank You for your information, Yes I have the early player with the 4 transformers. I bought it new and did not use it much, I doubt if it has 200 hours on it. Would the week laser also account for the random ticking sound or just the skipping or both. If I replaced it, it looks like I will need the CDM-12.10, is that correct. I have to get the manual out but if I remember correctly I believe the player has the Philips drive. I would like the OEM part unless you you think another brand would be better. And yes I did clean the Laser.

Great player very sought after, even Thorsten Losech of AMR fame told me he wished he keep his one, they’re that good. Connect it direct into a poweramp using the digital domain volume control that’s in it, and forget about a preamp.

Random ticks can be the laser not error correcting small scratches/warps, also rapid fire ticks, and if bad sometimes the music refuses to progress at all it just gets stuck. 200hrs sounds a short time yes, but also just being left switched on certain cdp’s can use up laser life. Lasers them selves also have a very small rubber suspension system that ages/decays and can sag over time even without use.

Yes the laser/mech is a Philips CDM12.10 if your handy they aren’t that hard to change the whole laser/mech. Just laser is harder. And they’re cheap enough to do if you do it yourself.

There may be a protective antistatic ribbon cable solder bubble you have to unbridge, but I think not, as the end of the ribbon cable looks like it has metal clamp for a protective short, that has to be removed before pushing it into the main board.

Cheers George

About 5 years ago the tubes and the blue light for the clear CD cover had no power, I took off the bottom cover and found a couple of bad solder joints that caused diodes to over heat and burn out. I replaced them with 4 larger ones. (All I could find at the time.) If I remember, getting to the laser looked a little complicated. I will give a try but I would feel better if I had a breakdown of the player. Just in case do you know where I can get a detailed exploded view how to get to the laser mechanism.

I've got the circuit manual, give me your email address if you want it.

Cheers George