Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?

I am looking to buy a custom built turntable from Torqueo Audio ( They have two models, one with a wide base plinth where the tonearm would be mounted on the plinth (as usual) and the second is a compact plinth where they provide a seperate tonearm pillar to mount the tonearm. According to them the separate tonearm pillar version sounds more transparent and quieter because of the isolation of the tonearm from the TT. My concern is whether seperating the tonearm from the plinth would result in a lesser coherence in sound ? Isnt sharing the same platform results in a more well-timed, coherent presentation ? Any opinions ?
Fixed Pillars/Armpods with a Suspended table ?


Would you use an outboard arm pod with a suspended turntable? I don't think so.


True, a suspended-subchassis table will always have a plinth common to the platter bearing and arm pillar (at least as far as I know!), while a non-suspended doesn't have to, the later fact the impetus for this discussion.

I agree with both Lewm and Bdp24.   

So then, is this setup some type of Optical illusion ?

The turntable appears to be stock to me.   The Armpod has been carved to fit around the plinth. The outboard Pillar/Armpod is an accessory product made by Acoustical Systems.

Now Henry says -

Dietrich knows a thing or two about turntables, arms and cartridges.

So Henry, any idea why Dietrich has put what looks like a fixed pillar/armpod on this customers suspended turntable ?  
That is the most unlikely scenario. Airborne induced vibrations in the platter/tonearm/cartridge synergy are virtually non-existent as the turntable world would have ceased to exist if this were not so.

I am very disappointed that you did not tell Ralph to yell at his cartridge. 

just sayin....

Yes Chris, I remember that from years ago.
Everyone can try that test.
Just place your mouth close to the cartridge while playing a record and yell at the cartridge/tonearm.
If airborne sound waves are ever going to be heard it should be under this test.....

For me... all of this is very simple...

Before one considers TT that commands thousands of $'s X 10... this person should first buy a VPI HW-19 and try all sorts of experiments.

This TT, along with an owner that has the willingness along with the machinery to try all sorts of mods, will have had enough experience in which to make the OP's post irrelevant.

Verdier photo:  It looks to me like Dietrich simply replaced the OEM flimsy tonearm mount (an inverted L-shaped affair that never looked to be very stable, to me) with a nice solid pillar and then attached it directly to the granite "plinth".  Nothing really radical but certainly better than stock.

Slaw, I may be wrong, but isn't the HW19 a suspended type?  The OP's post contained a perfectly reasonable question that brought out all the usual suspects to comment.