Full Manual Turntable-What to do

My Clearaudio Emotion only has an On/Off button for the motor. My question is what do you recommend when I want to put on a new album. Turn off the motor, or just lift up the existing record while the platter is still spinning?Is it a bad idea to switch the motor off every time I switch side. Your recommendation? Cheers.

There is a "right or wrong" when it comes down to a possibility of damaging the vinyl.

Why take the chance? A couple of minutes?
Regarding the use or non-use of a record clamp....

It all comes down to having "flat" lps.

If one has flat lps, the record clamp is not necessary, nor is it of any sonic value, IMO.
If anyone is in any serious way, into vinyl ... they should own a "Vinyl Flat", at the very least!
Obviously removing a clamp with a spinning disc is a recipe for trouble. And if your deck is designed for a clamp then sure use one. My experience is however that for decks not designed for clamps they can deaden the sound making it slow and heavy. The one thing I do do is to use thin washers to ensure the center of the label is supported as my deck has a label cut out and depending on the disc and label thickness the center may float. This makes a subtle difference
I made the comment above, assuming that all know I use a "weight", not a clamp.