Perhaps the best inexpensive item was many years ago. It ws my first power cord upgrade. My first experience was with the Nordost Shiva. My local dealer called me and said that he had something special he wanted me to hear. So I went to the store.
I ended up buying the Nordost Shiva power cord and using it on what used to be Rotel's flagship CD player, the RCD991AE. 20 bit, balanced ouputs (not fully balanced unfortunately) and adjustable dither. Even had a defeatable digital out. Immediate improvements in several areas. The music had better focus and soundstage. The bass, solid and tight. It also smoothed the top end. Great little investment. Still have the player and the power cord.
The second cheap enhancement is the "Gutwire Notepad". Placed it over the transport of the Rotel. Also on top of preamp power supplies. I even used them on a second older system consisting of an all Audio Alchemy front end with interesting results. I've had a Notepad in my system since.