How best to place tubes in an ARC VT-130SE

I have two matched quartets of 6550EH Platinums that I am going to put in my amp. One quartet's tubes measure lp: 39 and GM of 5,700, 45 ma. Every tube in the other quartet measures lp: 36, GM of 5,400, 44 ma. There are tube positions of V4-V7 on left and V14-V17 on the right. The quartets are perfectly matched. I want to achieve a "match" between the sides. Anyone with any experience as to where I should place these to have both sides "balanced" with each other? I understand it is identical to the VT-130 as well. Thanks.
This amp is manually biased, which I keep a religious eye on. I have manually biased my previous Cary V-12R amp a few times over 10 years, after new tubes. The bias procedure for the output tubes seems pretty straight forward on the ARC VT-130SE given its meters up front. I believe I can handle the task. I will probably get a tech to bias the six other input/driver tubes, as there is no on-board meter for those. What I am wondering is what are the best spots for the new tubes I have? - either a matched quartet on each side, or a positional combination to achieve an "average" on each side? Thanks again.
matched quads aren't important. each matched pair should be placed in each push-pull pair.

matched quads aren't important. each matched pair should be placed in each push-pull pair.

Then please explain to the OP where you would install the new tubes, he has, for the best output balance across each channel.

Here is the schematic wiring diagram.

Here is the owners manual.


Then please explain to the OP where you would install the new tubes, he has, for the best output balance across each channel.
Thanks for the clarification. I have the schematic and Owners/Users Manual...they are apparently not dumbed-down enough for me to figure it out!
matched quads aren't important. each matched pair should be placed in each push-pull pair.
Which pairs would then represent "each push-pull pair."