Thanks to everyone who responded since my last reply on 3/31/16. I fooled around more with the placement of the GET model's, and got them to sound better, but still there are minor annoying problem.
In the interim, I bought a used pair on this site of Wharfdale Denton 80th anniversity monitor speakers. I have been blown away by the quality and quantity of sound that comes out of this gem. My only quibble is when they get loud, the high-end gets a tad constricted and less smooth. Other than that, the speaker should be a universal template on how to make an enjoyable and easy to listen to speaker. The sound euphonic (no not warm) but its level of accuracy and detail make it also revealing on many levels.
My other recent preoccupation has been buying an upgrade and cleaned Thorens TD-145. No long explanation about the drawbacks of vintage, except don't buy it.. Improved damping makes the table dead quiet during play, but I need to find a more compatible and better sounding cartridge than the AT120E which is good, but also sounds restricted in the highs and can sound a bit tinny. The problem I think is either the headshell and/or tonearm . The headshell offer little leaway backward and forward to set up cartridge using a Geo Disc .The Thorens headshell protractor is a laughable piece of plastic junk.
I hope I can find either a very good high output MC, or a very good MM under $400. I would like to avoid the Ortofon 2M series which I have read does not get really get very good until you get to 2M Black (currently $775) At that price, I would be better served with a mint used Dynavector 10X5 which because of its weight might not be ideal for the Thorens tonearm. I used to have a link to measuring chart that explained tonearm capitance and how to match it to cartridge capsitance and phono stage impedance .
Actually, I think I would have been better served if I bought a new or possibly used VPI Scout Jr (or a Clearaudio Concept TT w/o cartridge), and replaced the pre-mounted Ortofon 2M Red which has become the prepack favorite of several brands....... Stay tuned!! .