Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?

I have just acquired a 32 year old JVC/Victor TT-101 DD turntable after having its lesser brother, the TT-81 for the last year.
This is one of the great DD designs made at a time when the giant Japanese electronics companies like Technics, Denon, JVC/Victor and Pioneer could pour millions of dollars into 'flagship' models to 'enhance' their lower range models which often sold in the millions.
Because of their complexity however.......if they are 'unobtanium'....and they often cannot be repaired.

I've messed with that screw more than I'd care to admit. It has the effect of adjusting platter height. Too low and the platter will rub against the escutcheon and make noise. Even with the platter off, if that screw is not within some acceptable range, rotating the spindle by hand will generate some grinding/swooshing/what have you noise. Although I can't explain the sudden onset of the noise, I'm pretty sure adjusting that screw will cure it.

And, yes, I've used that Redline motor oil. It's fine, but Doron who is some kind of oil expert suggested I try Royal Purple. I found the platter freedom of movement to be much greater with the latter. And I recall believing that the table was quieter. I had planned to try different viscosities... but I had a pile of Music Matters jazz releases to listen to :).
Banquo, In addition to adjusting the screw under the bearing well in order to set platter height, one can also shim the motor up, if the platter is rubbing on the escutcheon. I found on my TT101, in the course of investigating this new noise issue, that my motor is shimmed by two very thin washers under 2 of the 3 fastening screws. Under the third screw, there are 3 such washers (or shims). I demonstrated to my own satisfaction that they are all needed to help the platter clear the escutcheon with no rubbing. On that score, I know I wrote here that the noise I am hearing cannot be due to the platter rubbing. However, tonight the problem is behaving differently from yesterday. Now I do not hear the rubbing noise unless the platter and platter mat are installed. Gets louder when the weight of the mat is added to that of the platter alone. Yet, I can run a piece of paper all around the space between the platter and the chassis, and there is no evident point where the two come in contact. Thus it seems like weight pushing down on the spindle is eliciting noise from within the motor, whether it’s running or not. I can do a lube job, but it really does not seem to need it; it spins very freely. What a revolting development!!!

PS.  The synthetic motor lubricant recommended for the L07D bearing is Redline single grade, 50W, not whatever I wrote earlier.

From your description the bearing is adjusted just a smidge too low, its sudden occurrence could stem from that the screw is not "locktited" into place once the correct setting was found - if your table is "nuded" you should be able to adjust the screw slightly with the table running to find the correct setting.  

Best of luck

Dear Peter,
I suppose we should take this discussion of my problem off line, since it IS rather boring to most.  However, I am grateful for your interest and your input.  The screw-in plug at the base of the bearing well on my unit is very firmly locked in or glued with some off-white substance that is hard enough to resist a screwdriver.  I have never touched the adjustment. Nor did JP when he worked on my turntable. It's quite possible I am looking at factory goop or their version of "loctite", applied more than 30 years ago. Further, the shims under the three screws that mount my motor in the chassis are also apparently factory original, and I have never had a problem with platter rubbing on the surround in the past.  JP reports the same, based on when he had my unit at his shop.  Further, further, two days ago, the rubbing noise was definitely, without a doubt, coming from within the motor assembly; I was able to reproduce it by holding the motor in one hand and hand-turning the spindle, whilst the platter sat off by itself on a shelf.  Last night I shimmed the motor up further so as to eliminate any chance that the noise was due to its rubbing on the surround, even though my common sense told me that this is not the problem.  The finding is that when the weight of the platter is on the spindle, the noise, although fainter than two days ago, becomes audible (last night).  When I add the SAEC platter mat, the rubbing noise gets a little louder.  Thus I can only think that the weights pushing down on the spindle are making the problem more audible, but the problem is probably not due to platter rubbing. Tonight I will investigate with my stethoscope to determine more accurately the source of the noise.  Finally, there is some advantage to my having gone to medical school; I own a good stethoscope.