Help! My system is very bright it hurts my ear is my system listed...I'm new to is raysonic 128 with 2 amperex gold pin 2 EH (6922)...golden audio se40 with 6 of JJ 6l6gc..Macintosh c40 Aragon 8008...n pair with quad is the hook up, I hook up golden audio to high n mid and hook up Aragon for base...I have tried different speaker like Gallo 3.1 n monitor s8i but still too just too bright...any help please?????  Oh..forgot the system is in living room with 20' ceiling, could it be acoustic issue or pair issue, tube, amp, please?????
It's  about fine tuning your system.
You don't necessarily need 
to buy new components.
I would emphasize concentrating
on better cabling and a better power
conditioner. ( I would highly recommend
Acoustic Revive any of their models ).

I'm speaking from my experience.
I live in the inner city of L.A. walking 
distance to Dodger stadium.
In my case it was more than brightness
but severe RFI and EMI due to an
AM broadcasting station with 6  200 ft.
antenas on a hillside.
Well I got it down to zero and without
compromizing my systems resolution.

I would also like to recommend: 
Akiko Audio tuning sticks &
Kemp Electronics SR plugs.

Nevertheless, best luck,


Aragon 8008 is the culprit, I used to have one, upgraded from a Yamaha MX-1000 - the 8008 was only slightly better..

 It's a bright amp and not very smooth..

I don't see how the Aragon could be causing a brightness problem when it is playing on the woofer. Try using just one amp at a time, either one, with the high and low frequency terminals jumpered. If the amps are not matched to each other, that could lead to a tonal imbalance. Bi-amping is not as easy as just using two amps on a speaker, unless the amps are identical or you use something like a dual amp balancer. Don't spend any money on this until you have tried only one of the amps.
$200 spent on room treatment will make a much larger difference than $100,000 in cables. Treat your room.

Put panels at first reflection points, add a rug for the floor reflection points. Put some absorbing stuff on the wall in front of you or behind you to kill slap echo. You won't even recognize your system after doing this.

You're wasting your time pursuing anything else.