Speakers VERY close to wall - Cork board useful?

Hi there,

I have a set of Klipsch RP-5's, that have a built in powered sub, and a rear facing port on the bottom of each tower. I have them in a small room (15'x13') with about 6' of separation. Considering the small room dimensions I have them pushed up against the wall because otherwise they'd be in the way. They are at least at a slight angle, but the port for the sub is still only about 4" off the wall. 

Would putting a square of cork board on the wall directly behind the port, cut out so its slightly larger than the port, make any positive difference compared to an ordinary sheetrock wall?  (The cork comes in a roll, so it is maybe 1/8" thick)

Any thoughts, additional suggestions on other common house-hold materials/geometry of cut/ etc, or comments would be appreciated! (other than "move the speakers away from wall" bc unfortunately that's not an option in this room)

Does anybody know of the speakers Designed to be set against the wall??? I know of just two: Naim SBL and DBL but they r discontinued ;-( Anything else?
Audio Note speakers (typically corner placement).
Von Schweikert VR speakers
Klipsch Cornwalls
Larsen models 4, 6, and 8

I also remember reading about an inexpensive ($500 or so) transmission line design with an angled top and upward firing drivers. The boxes only came in black. The name escapes me now though. I’m certain there are others. The Larsen 8 receives fairly high praise.

In addition to Yakbob's recommendations I'd add Sjofn The Clue.  I think they offer a free in-home trial.  BTW, don't pay any at attention to the Stereophile review of them.  It was completely botched and they should be ashamed of themselves.  Everyone who's heard them at shows (including me) has been amazed.  If you can afford a stacked pair do that.  Really incredible. 

I've found that most speakers (those I've tried - e.g. like some Tannoy models) that have a port in the front will operate well in corners or against a wall.

Some speakers that have a port in the bottom will also work well, but some brands/model can sound a little muddy and confused if placed in the corners, so it's a bit more hit and miss

I agree with soix about (the clue) speakers. I have a pair and they sound great. It does take time and effort to get them set up correctly, however once they are dialed in they are amazing and sound excellent in small rooms too.