Do female audiophiles exist

I've hear of UFO's , and Bigfoot, but never seen one!

I've never heard of an audiophile from the opposite sex, and never seen one either.

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Ohh sorry to destroy someone's delicacy by touching soooo important subject to Americans and pronouncing soon to be forbidden word just like N-one. At least I'm really glad to know that idiocy is always subjective and relevant to...

You perhaps do, Jack. Find me any hippy that supports Trump!
As a protester (which is always the case during his rallies for some reason) -- possibly! Media says that he's the winner, but streets are saying that he's a 4-times bankrupt clown. 

It also does not mean I can't speak about 3rd gender especially if I don't and didn't insult any of them ever! Laughing over bathroom situation is right thing to do because I don't want tax funds to be allocated to such cwap none has to care about seriously.  

I've been working with used-to-be dude in same office (how'd'u like the substitute similar to n-word?) and never knew which joint (M or F) ONE entered when wanted to unload simply because perhaps our clocks were different or worked in one team only limited period of time and certainly I've never gave a truck about it
I also knew that even post-conversion former-he was still onto boating and sailing just like a dude and corporate e-mail ID still would start with dude's name. 

So here comes my icky-tricky question: Is there anyone here...?