Creek 5350SE - Is it all that?

Is Stereophile right? Is the Creek 5350SE a world-beater?

I pose the question because the only Creek dealer in my area doesn't have one to listen to. I guess the new "Classic" models are too scarce.

I'm in the market for an integrated amp, $1500 or less. Remote is a must, headphone jack a plus. I've been considering the Creek 5350SE, Bryston B60R (used), and the Naim Nait 5i. Speakers will be Paradigm Studio 20's, Epos M12.2's, or similar.

Unfortunately, the only amp I've been able to hear for myself is the Nait. Any opinions on whether the Creek would have advantages over the Nait (besides headphone jack) or the Bryston? Any other recommendations, used or new, that might be as good as or better than the Creek? Thanks.
the 5350se is a very fine little amp. Anyone still using this one or the Destiny model? Happy Listening!
I heard it and it's mediocore low fi at best.
Look into the Clones 25ir.
No affiliation, just a happy owner.
Jafant, I have a friend that replaced a ARC D115 MK 2/SP10 Pre combo for the Destiny Integrated with a pair of Montana Speakers. Would you believe the Destiny was better? Well not exactly but certainly quite nice without the heat, tube and age issues. When he switched speakers, because of a tweeter issue he couldn't resolve, the Destiny didn't meld quite as well with his new speakers which is always the key consideration when matching speaker to amplifier but it must be stated very clearly that this is a very nice integrated, more on the warm side of the spectrum but very nice for the money.
TY- tubegroover.

I lke ARC separates much better than their Integrated amps.
Regarding the ARC integrated amps, to my ears, the Rogue Audio gear is much better.