Austrailian rock and roll

The recent "Obscure bands" discussion inspired me to bring up another sub-genre because many of the responses mentioned a few of these groups. Who are your favorite Australian rock and roll bands? Let's be specific and mention favorite individual albums.
A few bands from down under:
Crowded House
the Church
Hoodoo Gurus
Hunters and Collectors (Mark Seymour solo works)

My favorites from this group are the Hoodoo's first 2 albums "Stoneage Romeos" and "Mars Needs Guitars"
I also really enjoy Hunters and Collectors "Human Frailty and "Under One Roof". Gotta love a band with a full time French horn player that still shakes the rafters. Every now and then it is fun to crank it up a little. The Aussies know how to rock.
My favorite ’folk rock’ band from Australia would have to be Angus & Julia Stone...The album 'Down the Way' is a good place to start.
Love Flash and the Pan.  I highly recommend their self-titled first album and Lights in the Night.  Definitely a sound that few others, if any, had, especially the barrel-rolling piano and organ.

Tommy Emmanuel is a guitar wizard and puts on a great live show.

Great suggestions of bands I'm unfamiliar with on this thread. 

I would add the Little River Band.  I listened to their 2-disc greatest hits compilation recently and was impressed with the creativity, musicianship and production.  Worth a listen, if you have the impression they were nothing but a bland soft-rock band.

How about Dead Can Dance -- partially Brittish/Australian mainly because of different origins of soloists with outstanding and powerful voices.