Klyne vs 47 Labs phono stage

I currently use a 47 Labs phonocube. I have the option of buying a used Klyne System 6 phonostage. Can anyone suggest if the Klyne 6 series would be an upgrade over the 47 labs phonocube ?
nkj, I’ve got Beveridge 2SWs and two full function preamplifiers that alternatively drive them with phono input most of the time, the Klyne 6LX described above and a vintage Quicksilver tube unit. While I do like the Klyne, lately I have been heavily favoring the Q. I really do need to go back and have another listen to the Klyne however. This thread got me pumped. But I am also pumped to send my unit back to Stan Klyne to have him max out the phono section. Yes, he is still in business in a silent way; at least he WAS in business a year or two ago.

There’s been not a word from Pani lately on this subject. I wonder what he decided to do.


It is difficult to shy away from the jewel like quality of the Klyne brand. For solid state it is hard to beat. Some will argue that SS is the only way to do mV phono stages. On paper I might agree, tubes add noise which for some is unbearable- I get that. For me I stuck with tubes. There is something artificial about some SS phono stages. Klyne is very good at natural presentation. The Quicksilver is a great pre.

I have not heard the latest crop of five or six figure SS phono stages ... I would like to- maybe Pani went in a different direction?

Thanks guys for keeping the discussion going. I now have the Klyne 7 preamp with phono with me. It is indeed a very special unit. This is probably the closest I have heard a transistor having tube like qualities without losing the transistor virtues of extreme quietness and dynamics. The 47 labs interestingly comes scarily close to do the same. In fact in a blind test they are not easy to differentiate. Klyne is quieter than 47 labs though, in fact it is the quietest phono I have heard. It is tough to decide between the two. Klyne has the advantage of an amazing preamp in built. This preamp is so close to a passive preamp in tonality and transparency yet has the dynamics and drive of an active preamp. It is a gem. 

Having said all that I am in a dilemma. My amp is solid state and I wanted to have at least a tube phono or preamp in the chain. The klyne in the chain wouldn't allow me that. So I am still looking at a tube phono or tube preamp with phono. Has anyone heard the David Berning preamp ? It has the option of internal phono too. 
Dear Pani, I don't quite get it; if you are very pleased with the Klyne, and if it is tube-like to your ears, why insist on actual tubes in the signal chain?  Unless there is some particle of goodness you still feel is missing.  In which case, I too am a big fan of full-function preamplifiers.  IMO, the best tube preamplifier I have ever heard is the Atma-sphere MP1, but I admit to bias, since I have owned mine for about 15 years and have no intention of parting with it.  Is fully balanced, too. On the bargain side, I am very pleased with my vintage Quicksilver preamplifier.  It has no model number or fancy name.  I bought mine off AA, sorted it out a bit, upgraded capacitors, and inserted Telefunken ECC83s, and I am shocked at how good it is.  It is DEAD quiet, too.  It has a massive transformer, choke-loaded PS, tube rectifiers: really high end stuff built before the current megabuck era.  

Can you confirm my notion that the Klyne 7 has balanced inputs and output?