Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.
Audiolover ...

If you take a look at my avatar, you'll see that I have an all ARC system. I've tried a whole bunch of aftermarket feet under each piece of equipment. Nothing seems to work better than the stock feet. In fact, everything I've tried has detracted from the sound in one way or another. I haven't tried the SR Mig's though. That 30 day return policy is tempting:

Take a look at my equipment rack. Each shelf is made up of three layers of plywood with a constrained dampening material between each layer. Then the entire rack is spiked to the floor. Going from the rack I used to have ( a cheap one) to this rack was a major improvement. Expensive though. I had it custom made to my specs. 

If you have floor standing speakers, you might want to try putting the unfinished (cheap) Mapleshade platforms under the speakers. Spike the platforms through the carpet, then spike the speakers to the platforms. That was a huge improvement in bass articulation. Improved everything else as well.

Another thing that helps is to get your speaker cables off of the floor/carpet. These are the ones I use:

If you have floor standing speakers, try putting weight on the top of each speaker. I have one 12"x12" x3" finished, very heavy marble platforms on top of each speaker. It in effect adds mass to the speakers. They fit the top of the speaker's exact dimension  so they look good. Again, more clarity throughout the range and more bass articulation. 

There's tons of ways to attack those micro vibrations that rob our system of the music. I've just listed a few. 

Take care ...
I can attest that Marigo Mystery feet will certainly sound better, however the cost is somewhat excessive ($1500 for a set of the current F8). A further consideration is tha even with the removal of the stock feet there is not enough clearance at the front of my REF40 or Ref 2 phono for the feet to sit flat so it does take some finessing, the sound is worth it however. Much cleaner and crisper, less smearing of microdynamics

also do experiment with removing the top plate on your amps, in the case of the Ref40 this sounded better
^^^ folkfreak ...

Thanks for the input. I have the top plates removed from each piece of equipment, except for the CD player of course. No kids or pets in the household. Just a couple of old dudes. :-)

Those Marigo Mystery Feet look really interesting. I've subsequently read some reviews on the product ... and hey ... If Mikey likes them ... *lol*  I'll have to put them on the bucket list. Thanks for the heads up.

thanks  for your input, gents. I do use sand filled mye stands spiked to the floor through the carpet for my Maggie's, as well as cable elevators. The big porcelain ones. Unfortunately, can't do the weights on top of a planar. I'm also interested in magnetic levetation for my source. Of course, my budget is not in the same league as many here. I was considering playing with brass points as well as the migs too.
ARC dampers are ok Herbies Audio Lab Ultra Sonic PX are much better however they are $25.00 ea.Thats your call however.