Bass traps - too many choices!!

Browsed the forum and read a lot regarding bass traps. But overwhelming and still not sure what to buy. Looked at the ASC site; and their tube traps are tuned to different frequencies. eBay sells foam wedges which are advertised as corner bass traps. Relatively inexpensive too. But are they effective? I've also heard about using sand-filled cardboard tubes (used for pouring concrete). Even heard that a large potted plant set in the corner can be an effective bass trap.
Can anyone simplify this? I already have Room Tunes in my corners. Speakers are on the diagonal as my listening room is kinda squarish. So I'm just looking to put a bass trap in the corner behind and between the two speakers. But I want to make sure that whatever I buy is effective. 

Auralex Lenrd bass traps are very effective and are based on acoustic principles.  I could not tune my room effectively without them.  They are also extensively used in recording studios.
I also use Auralex bass traps in four corners of my 11x12 foot room. Also use corner tunes. My room is together.

Mofi, understood. I tried them in a sealed room I had before my current room, which is now open floor plan, and they did pretty well, although the bass problems in that room happened to be not all that severe, at least not after I had gone through all the motions and given speaker placement its proper due first.
Helmholtz resonators such as the ArgentRoom Lens operate a little differently than tube traps and have a rather wider bandwidth. The best thing about Helmholtz resonators is they’re easily to build yourself. Heck, I even built a low frequency Helmholtz resonator to curb a standing wave in the corner, it was a 15 foot long folded horn as it were. Crystals operate at low frequencies, too, as well as higher frequencies although you wouldn’t think so by looking at them. Even those tiny little bowl resonators affect low frequencies IIRC. 
Okay, way too much info.  I'd like everyone who has weighed in to get into the same room this week and come up with the best, most cost effective solution for me!  And don't come out until you have one. I will sit here patiently waiting. lol