Diffuse Front Wall? Absorb rear wall?

I'll research existing threads, but quick basic question --- is it a basic tenet that I should use a diffusing approach for the front wall and an absorption for the rear wall behind my listening position? I bought a wall rug, put it on the front wall, and though it seemed to quiet the room down in some good ways, it seems to have sucked some of the energy and sparkle from the soundstage. thanks.
I have been experimenting with different DIY diffusers. Having a workshop at my disposal and endless lumber scrap supply if I'm not happy with a design I move onto another. I'm currently in the process of a 2x4' cherry/mahogany/maple/oak horizontal placed diffuser with the boards running upright. Depths range 1 1/2"H with 1/2"D being the shallowest glued and nailed to birch ply. After extensive prepping I'll be applying Watco Danish oil to further raise WAF. I intend to place this between 35" floor monitors front and centre a foot lower than a large LCD and 1' above floor. I'm optimistic.  I also plan on some 6" deep light maple diffusers similar to the ones ATS sells  
Rockadanny please remember manufacturers talk to the public(i e customers) with a view to sales;wouldn't you agree? Pete
ptss - thank you for the good advice. yes, one does need to keep their bs radar on full scan whenever speaking with a manufacturer, dealer, or fan boy. that is for sure. GIK Acoustics and Brian Pape have helped me resolve some past issues so I am fairly confident in their assistance this go around. But still, I do proceed with caution.