FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ?

Hi Good folks!

I have an FR 64s with original headshell. Have ordered an Orsonic Av-1s/ 10 grams, to meet better compliance/ resonnance matching with higher compliance cartridges.

Any idea what the effective mass will be with this combination?

Would be funny to try for example how my London Decca Super Gold would work with this arm..😀

There are several ways to estimate tonearm effective mass, but none of them are really simple to do.  Safe to say that the static weight of the headshell is a factor, but not simply by the ratio of its static weight to that of the stock FR64S headshell.  Best way to approach this, in my opinion, is to try it.  You might also acquire one of the test LPs that permit estimating resonant frequency.  From that information, you can calculate effective mass of the assembly of tonearm, cartridge, headshell, screws, and the counter-weight at the rear.

Another trick:  If you think of the tonearm as a seesaw, with the counter-weight on one side and everything else on the other, then you can get at effective mass by balancing the tonearm such that the arm is hanging level in space, zero VTF.  Now measure the distance from the pivot to the center of mass of the CW, in centimeters.  Then remove the CW and weigh it separately, in grams.  The effective mass will be related to the product of the square of the distance from the pivot point to the center of mass of the CW times the weight of the CW.  Now, if I can only recall HOW the two are related, you'd be in business.

Dear @gddyen: With its own headshell the tonearm EM is 35grs. You just have to weigh the FR headshell and the diference with the Orsonic is what you have to add/ subtract to that 35 figure and you will be around the EM data you are looking for.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Hi lewm

I have already tried the combo, original fr64s/ Decca Super Gold, and it is playing music in a way.
Vinylengine calculator with fr64s original headshell ( 35 EM) says around 7.5 hz. I am also using the " Decca pod" that adds maybe 5 grams. ( Do not have an accurate weight here that exceeds 5 grams now).
But when I tried the arm/ cartridge compability track at Hifi news test record the cartridge jumped straight into the next track:)
About the resonance track on Hifi news test record, I read somewhere that the results/ cutting actually is wrong!?
I also have an Ortofon test record I can try on later..
Your trick / calculate formula seems interresting. But if it is as easy as Raulirugas is saying...?