Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi birdiemay,  absolutely,  $795.00 balanced or single ended,  now remember,  this is a state of the art product,  for what the muse interface does,  this is a good value. 
Do you know anything about the sound of the muse intetface?, thank you for your reply of the retail price of the muse intetface. 
Hi birdiemay,  The sound of the muse interface,  A extremely lower noise floor,  increased air with 3 dimensionality,  individual instrument's within space are more delineated,  front to back sound stage with layering,  you will be able to tell where each instrument is microphoned within each recording,  vocals are incredible,  the entire sound is organic with lifelike realism 😉😼
I'm going to buy this muse interface but if you're wrong about the sound description I'm going to be pissed off , I will post my impressions here.
Hi birdiemay,  I believe should have no concerns,  I look forward to your impressions.