What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
I gave up and bought an Integra 9.8 and couldn't be happier. It was reconditioned b stock with 2 yr warranty for $850.
Give me the equivalent of an old Acurus Act 3, only up to date with all the latest, and I'd be happy for my movie setup! Throw in an EQ, and keep that same dynamic, clear detailed, clean sound, and I'll have another processor for a decade or so.
Well here we are folks. We are now well into the next phase of AV technology, that being 3d video on blu-ray and high def programming. And as far as the current method of interfacing this technology with an AV processor goes, HDMI 1.4 appears to be the standard method of connecting everything all up - which something like the Emotiva UMC-1 does not offer, of course!
So here this fiasco finally gets released after several years of prommised delivery, has all these troubles and functionality issues - which never really all got ironed out anyway - and we are already onto the next technology. The UMC-1 never got it all woeking, and IS ALREADY OBSOLETE!!! This HAS TO BE the greatest fiasco in the history of consumer AV! I'm sorry.
In looking back it really is hard to actually believe that this actdually went down like it did. We all waited, it came all crippled and botched up, never worked as promised, and is already passe!...history...insignificato.
Wow! You must have a bone to pick with Emotiva. I have little interest in HDMI 1.4...in fact 1.3 is one of the worst standards because devices just don't work well together due to the looseness of the standard. I'll be happy with 1.3 working (and almost all mfg's have problems by the way).

The UMC-1 is on it's third beta and there are still some bugs being worked out. For the $'s, if they get it fully working it's one of the bargains in the HiFi world today.

I wonder how many folks had to buy a TV with Deep Color....even though there is no content published today in deep color. How many have 1080p HDTV's and only watch HDTV over cable which is at most 1080i.

Don't get all hung up on the latest and greatest.

If you are in the market for a pre/pro you could do far worse than an Emotiva UMC-1. And for lots more $'s, you could do better.
See why I've become more cynical than my usual idealistic self when it comes to the new kids on the block over achieving, under priced, latest greatest slam bang gizmos?

They do it to themselves.

it do pay to stay with proven standards a good bit of the time.

business is tough to get a segment of a market, and tougher to apparently just bring to that market.

Economics and failures such as this one have caused me to slide from 'Bleeding edge' down to the 'I can smell the edge' for acquiring newly released tech.